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SAS - SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURAL SOLUTIONS LLC, is a USA based company responsible for the Marketing, Sales, and World Wide Distribution of WOOD NECTAR which is Manufactured and Packed by its affiliated company M&M - PRODUCAO E COMERCIO DE LENHA E CARVAO LTDA a Brazilian based company.


M&M was founded in 2009 by DEO LAURO MARZOLA - an Agronomist graduated by the University of Hawaii with a Masters and Ph.D Degree in Agronomy and Solid Science.


While studying at the University of Hawaii, Dr. Marzola became immensely familiar with the knowledge and culture of the Asian countries. 

It was during this time the Dr. Marzola was introduced to wood vinegar . After returning to Brazil and dedicating his work life to the agricultural industry, Dr. Mazola acquired a substantial amount of information regarding the use of wood vinegar in improving plant health while decreasing the dependance of agro-chemicals.  During his research, he found many articles describing the benefits 

that wood vinegar could bring to plants while allowing the growers to produce a better crop at a lower cost.  Furthermore, wood vinegar is beneficial to the consumer as the agricultural crops require much lower levels of agro-chemical and pesticide usage.

While studying at the University of Hawaii, Dr. Marzola became immensely familiar with the knowledge and culture of the Asian countries. It was during this time during one of his many trips to Asia that Dr. Marzola was introduced to wood vinegar.

After returning to Brazil and dedicating his work life to the agricultural industry, Dr. Marzola began to do further research and conduct trials using wood vinegar on his crops to measure efficacy and results. In addition to his own research and development, Dr. Marzola acquired a substantial amount of information on wood vinegar for improving plant health, while decreasing the dependence of agri-chemicals. He found that preparing the spray solution was easy to mix, and was easily applicable. Through his trials, he observed the plant reactions and noted more vigorous plants, greener leaves, increase in size, increase in yield, coloration and resistance. The controlled trial applications convinced Dr. Marzola that the effectiveness of wood vinegar was substantial.

Since wood vinegar was unknown in Brazil, and with a demand for a high performing organic/sustainable solution to decrease the amount of chemical residues on crops, Dr. Marzola decided to start his own production company.  Dr. Marzola researched, and trialed the best methods to produce the material, input material to be used, pyrolysis and carbonization method, extraction process, and most importantly, the necessary control to obtain the highest possible quality for commercial use. While research was in progress, Dr Marzola planted approximately 500 acres of forest so that he would have full control of the quality of the raw material. The planted forest for WOOD NECTAR/WOOD POWER/TIERRA GOLD extraction takes approximately 7.5 years from planting to harvesting and the entire process uses only the raw material from the planted forest so that the complete production process is environmentally correct.

Dr. Marzola currently works with dozens of growers in Brazil, South America and USA, including citrus, grape, stone fruit, vegetable, avocado, banana, berry, leafy vegetables, corn, soybean, wheat and root crops to assist them in maximizing production while being ecologically sound, economically viable and socially responsible.

30 Days After First Application
90 Days After First Application

Tremendous increase in flower number, size and color.


Orchids with many long spikes and many flowers.

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